GMK Logistics is pleased to confirm that our Brisbane operation is now well and truly settled into its new custom-built, 5 Star Green Star rated premises at 20 Arthur Dixon Court, Yatala. This 22,000sqm, state-of-the-art warehousing and distribution facility is located in the impressive new Yatala Central Estate. The location is ideal for GMK as it is easily accessible to both Brisbane and the rapidly growing Gold Coast region. It is also located close to several of our major customers and our key line-haul routes.
The new site has a current capacity for 165,000 lineal metres of carpet and 8,100 pallets, with additional space for future expansion. Like all our major depots, Brisbane operates a carpet cutting machine and provides a full service warehouse and distribution offering. In addition to GMK’s traditional focus on the floor covering industry, GMK Brisbane also services a number of customers on behalf of our parent company, CTI Logistics Limited. Our Brisbane transport network extents from northern NSW to Toowoomba to the Sunshine Coast, with the remainder of Queensland serviced by our comprehensive agency network.
The move took place in the third quarter of 2023 and brought together our two Brisbane teams that were previously located in Ormeau and Berrinba.
The contact details for our new Brisbane depot are:
20 Arthur Dixon Court
Yatala, QLD 4207
(07) 5549 2859 (unchanged)
Should you have any queries please contact our friendly customer service team on the above number.